Water Leaks Detection - Hazelmere
Industrial sprinklers
Industrial fire sprinkler system water leak detection, Hazelmere Perth Western Australia.
Fire sprinkler systems are used in specialised warehouses shopping centres, hospitals, schools, high rise residential towers. A large industrial property in Hazelmere was losing large volume of water on the fire sprinkler system. The jacking pump was continually operating and still not able to maintain system pressure.
Minimal site plans were available of fire sprinkler system prior to water leak detection, so ground penetrating radar was employed to locate the piping route from the pump house to the fire sprinkler system entry point at the main workshop. The piping route was marked and depths identified.
The water leak detection method used for this location was acoustic leak detection and tracer gas if required. Utilising the fire system backup pump the water leak was identified 3m from the workshop.

Site – Industrial area.
Site owner – Logistics company.
Location – Hazelmere, Western Australia
Scope – Locate water leak on Fire Sprinkler System piping
Project –Repairs to Fire System piping.
Hazelmere is located 14 kms East of Perth CBD close to the Perth domestic and international Airport.